Our mission is to collaborate with every athletic organization to inspire and ensure athlete health and safety is a priority

The U.S. Council for Athletes’ Health (USCAH) was founded upon the need within athletic institutions for trusted, independent partners with the experience and expertise to advise and consult with organizations regarding their healthcare delivery system. That is why USCAH is committed to providing independent and unbiased medical expertise to organizations and individuals dedicated to the optimal health and safety for the athletes they serve.
USCAH is comprised of a diverse, multidisciplinary team of medical experts with experience serving in high-level positions within intermediate and collegiate athletic organizations. The team was strategically comprised of experts positioned to address all aspects of athletic healthcare, including compliance, assessment, education, personnel, programming and more.
Since the beginning, the team at the U.S. Council for Athletes’ Health has shared a common direction, a common belief — simply, as collaborators our passion and focus is committed to inspiring and ensuring athlete health and safety is a priority with every athletic organization.